Deeply Restorative & Heart Opening Cacao Ritual + Acupuncture in SOHO, NYC
WOOM Center New York | October 19, 2016
Join us for a heart opening, blissful evening of ceremonial cacao, artisanal treats, restorative yoga & acupuncture to help restore clarity, tranquility and balance
Open Your Heart
Activate your Euphoria
Restore your Balance with Ceremonial Cacao Elixir from Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Hosted by Architects of Experience, join Eileen Moran, Margaret Weinrich, M.S., L.Ac. and Tara McCoy for a very special evening of music, meditation, restorative yoga, acupuncture and drinking Guatemalan cacao in a guided ceremonial setting where we will planting dream seeds in a guided meditation and indulging in sequence of deeply restorative yoga while receiving the additional benefit of acupuncture, a safe time honored healing modality, intended to deepen your ability to experience the art of relaxation, creative visualization and your connection with the reverence and magic of the Cacao Spirit.